Soybean planting rate chart
As with corn, though, stand counts for soybeans are essential, he says. The seed yield increased with initial increase in number of plants per unit area (Figure 1). soybeans Start clean with tillage or burndown. The minimum stand for maximizing soybean yields, and factors that affect this. When planting was delayed to the beginning of June, the AOSR was 430,800 seeds ha −1. Aligning Soybean Maturity to Planting Dates. Aug 1, 2023 · For soybean planted in early May and late May, the optimum seeding rate to achieve the highest grain yield was 303,000 and 285,000 seeds ha −1, respectively. For data quality purposes at least 6 locations are required and if a hybrid is not listed Jan 25, 2019 · Within each state, the trial planting date data bracketed the 50% planting date progress reported by USDA-NASS for each state and year. Speed Average Spacing 5. None of UNL’s early-planted soybean research was conducted without a fungicide + insecticide seed treatment; thus, we don’t have a cost-benefit analysis of 4. The soybean seed hilum or eye is the point of attachment of the seed to the pod. Soybean seeds imbibe water in the first 12 to 24 hours and imbibitional chilling is often associated with cold soil water temperatures during this seed imbibing timeframe. Seeding rates ranged from 69,000 to 271,000 seeds/a, and final plant density and seed yield data were considered for the analysis. Maintain your machine regularly for optimum performance. Find your planter transmission and click for a drop-down menu of our Rate Charts! We have tested each crop with our SeedRight plates and created these charts for our customers to have on hand. Refer to the seed rate charts beginning on page 4. The seeding rate in this field was 140,000 seeds/acre. acre. Apr 14, 2021 · UNL planting date X seeding rate research showed no yield benefit to increasing seeding rates from 120,000 to 180,000 seeds/acre with early planting. Use the chart below as a reference when determining the right soybean for your operation. The more leaves, the greater the fill. 5 -20. To prevent planting miscalculations, make field checks to be sure you are planting at desired rate. To pay for the cost of going from 100,000 seed/acre to 200,000 you would need to increase yield by 4. Apply through R1 growth stage. 3 bu/acre (assuming $10 soybeans) . If planting is delayed past the optimum seeding date for spring-planted small grains, increase seeding rates by about 1 percent for each day planting is delayed. Here are the calculations to go through to get the desired seeding rate for this scenario. TARGET PLANT POPULATION (Plants/FT 2 ) 50% Survivability Soybeans should be planted 1-1 1/2 inches deep. This ratio exists when the 26 tooth sprocket is installed on the front drive shaft that is painted orange. 00 (Economically Optimum Mar 11, 2024 · Soybean stand loss was around 10%. However, the soybeans planted in 30-inch rows did not achieve canopy closure until after July 15. Mar 26, 2021 · 2. At least 50˚F. At 1. , Sampson Co. Soybeans should be planted 1 to 1½ inch deep but not deeper than 2 inches. Set initial seed inlet shutter per seed rate chart. Actual results will vary based on conditions and machine maintenance. checking the seed rate. =. speed. 800 vs 900 cyclo population charts. Mar 27, 2024 · How do I determine the appropriate planting rate for broadcast soybean planting? Consider factors such as desired plant population, seed size, and soil conditions. Website: Seeds with technological traits are one of the higher cost per acre of production inputs. The seed rate charts are based on cleaned, untreated seed of average size and test weight. Adverse weather conditions when plants are at the R1 or R2 growth stage result in flower and pod abortion. Feb 19, 2019 · At another on-farm research site in central Ohio in 2017, soybeans were planted on time, April 27. Apr 16, 2010 · Yield for the higher seeding rate was 56. Switching to a 0. Yield potential declines rapidly if soybean planting occurs after May 24 (0. There was no significant MG × planting date interaction (P = . Aim for a final plant population of approximately 100,000 to 150,000 plants per acre (250,000 to 375,000 plants per hectare). 90 = 0. Direct Sowing. Yield reduction as a result of late planting ranges from 0. or less per 140k unit 2500 seeds per pound or less (1800 to 2500) 56 lbs. The first number before the hyphen is the initial seeding rate, the number after the hyphen is the replant seeding rate in 1,000 seeds/acre. Spacers should be in the bucket of accessories, but you may need to supply additional ones. 5-inch plots pictured below yielded 81 and 85 bu/acre Apr 28, 2022 · For normal planting dates in Michigan and across the Midwest, generally 100,000 to 120,00 plants per acre is enough to achieve maximum yield. Secondary tillage affects the condition of the seedbed and influences the accuracy of planting depth, crusting tendency of the soil, and moisture retention. Soybean seeding rates that resulted in the maximum yield (Agronomically Optimal Seeding rate, AOSR; black bars), profit at a selling price of $9. Example 2: Desired population = 135,000 seeds/acre on The main outcomes from this study were: Optimum plant density decreased by 24% from low (127,000 plants per acre) to high (97,000 plants per acre) yield environments (Fig. Apr 28, 2022 · For normal planting dates in Michigan and across the Midwest, generally 100,000 to 120,00 plants per acre is enough to achieve maximum yield. The rates are based on 9. (See label for plantback restriction) Apply glyphosate. Wheat Triticale Winter barley Spring barley Spring wheat1 Winter oats Spring oats Corn Sorghums Sudangrass Soybeans. 0 2,200 Feb 15, 2024 · Aim for planting in late morning or early afternoon when soil temperatures may be greater than 50 degrees. To assure the most accurate seeding rates, Great Jun 1, 2022 · Estimated soybean yield potential at various plant populations (yield as percent of normal). Sep 17, 2020 · For vetch, low seeding rate was 40 lb/ac, medium seeding rate was 60 lb/ac, high seeding rate was 80 lb/ac. 2). Your book should have a chart in it for both brush and finger pickup meter rates. May 22, 2019 · Well, assuming a seed cost of $60 a bag (that’s approximately $0. Our data indicate that, in most cases, we need 180,000 plants per acre by the May 7, 2013 · Seeding Rate Calculator for Soybeans. 6. Technical IH Talk. 6 seeds per ft. info/ website…) In this blog I will attempt to answer three very agronomically important and challenging questions in a … Myth 3: Corn planted shallow will emerge faster, driving higher-end yield. Agronomic optimal plant density is considered the lowest plant Of the 27 full-season seeding rate experiments conducted from 2004 to 2009, I can group soybean yield response to plant population into the following three categories: 1) no response to plant population; 2) optimum plant population of 75-100,000 plants/acre; and 3) optimum plant population of 100-140,000 plants/acre. If the results are consistent with your setup, plant the crop. Seeding rates ranged from 100,000 to 180,000 seeds per acre, all on 15-inch rows. Seed, Fertilizer, and Volumetric Rate Charts for the YP2425A Yield-Pro® Planter with Air-Pro® Seed Meters The following pages are to assist in the proper setting of seeding and fertilizer rate for the 60-foot (18 meter) two-section Yield-Pro Planters with Air-Pro Meters. 72 (percent germination) 167,000 seed / acre is the recommended seeding rate to plant. Half Rate Drive with brush-type seed meters reduces planter transmission . 1. These charts list the proper drive type and seed-rate-handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. The optimum temperature for soybean germination is around 70º F (21º C). , Hyde Co. Planting in cool and wet conditions Sep 22, 2020 · Optimum Soil Temperature for Planting. We have conducted numerous double-crop soybean experiments over the years. Guidelines for planting soybeans in June include these adjustments: Seeding rate. Because the soybean often must push through crusted soil, deeper planting can limit the viability of seed and final stand number. Figure 3. Crop. Apr 5, 2024 · A recent study by Carciochi, Ciampitti, and collaborators published in Agronomy Journal evaluated soybean yield performance in a database of hundreds of experiments across the Midwest. When using grain drills and reducing soybean populations, variable seed spacing and seed depth within a drilled row can be an issue for soybean emergence. Future research is needed in North Carolina to validate the planting date and maturity group interactions on yield observed in this experiment to capture more variation in weather conditions. This will give an approximate seed population of 220,000 seeds/acre. 2022 Cost to Produce Corn and Soybeans in Illinois: The total of all economic costs per acre for growing corn and soybeans in Illinois. Eventually, the soybean root may reach a depth of several feet, with most of the roots in the upper 6 to 12 inches of soil. 4 Seeding rate and planting date interaction. Three population rates were used to determine the effect of seeding rate on yield. A soybean plant's pubescence color has no influence on yield or other agronomic characteristics. To coat all seeds with talc-graphic, but avoid talc-graphic accumulation in bottom of tanks and hoppers, adjust talc-graphic rates as necessary. 40 per thousand seed) we can calculate the cost of seed for these populations. Early planting allows the soybean plant to collect more solar radiation and transpire more available water than if planted later. Population Reference Information Seeds per Unit If the existing stand is between 73,000 and 90,000 plants per acre, the stand is uniform and it is early June or later, university data suggests keeping the stand. Apply Liberty®herbicide. If recommended seeding rates could be reduced by 12-15% (ie. Like other types of beans, soybeans don’t do well when transplanted because of their shallow roots. However, since the turn of the current century, on-farm seeding rates have steadily declined by roughly 2,000 seeds/acre/year to an average of 152,000 seeds/acre in 2017. “The bottom line is that seeding rates are a dynamic decision,” Jacob said. Find your seed. John Deere 7200/1700 (Vac Original) Planter Rate Chart - Precision Planting vSet Meter 80 Hole Soybean Disk Driver 15” 20” 22” 30” 36” High Range Input Sprocket 35 508,203 381,152 346,502 254,101 211,751 35 487,872 365,904 332,640 243,936 203,280 35 469,109 351,832 319,847 234,555 195,462 35 451,733 338,800 308,000 225,867 188,222 Estimate Planting Rate. The number at the top of the bars represents the final stand (1,000 plants/acre after replanting). 08/ac. Soil temperature – Soybeans emerge within 24–35 days when seeded into 6–12°C soils and 4–16 days when seeded into 14–22°C soils (based on soil temperatures at a 5 cm depth at 10:00 a. So as you go up the maturity scale, from a group 1 to 2 and 3 and so on, you further delay the signal to start flowering. There are numerous reasons for this decline. 5 inches. 5 earlier relative maturity (RM) variety shortened the time to maturation by 4-6 days. m. Deeper planting will reduce emergence, because the distance a soybean can grow up through the soil is limited. You should begin to slowly bump up that seeding rate as we near the end of June. Soybean seed yield and net returns were affected by SR, but the effect differed among PDs as evident by the significant PD × SR interaction (Table 3). 1. Seed Soybeans Transmission High Range Driver Sprocket 20 Driven Sprocket 26 Past and Present Soybean Seeding Rates. Late June planting resulted in an AOSR of at least 618,000 seeds ha −1. 5L x 15 rib implement gauge-wheel tires on to regulate the depth of seeding. I have an 800 8-30 with a 900 operators manual. Apr 15, 2024 · Soil temperature. 0575), further defining planting date as the management decision having the greatest impact on soybean plant TNU (Table 4). Use the charts below to easily convert seeds per foot of row to the population per acre for easy calibration. Jul 28, 2020 · The mean soybean TNU based on planting date (averaged across MG) was 242 and 145 kg N ha −1, respectively, for the optimum and late planting dates (Table 5). 5-inch row widths. If you are using treated seed, some treatments are kind of sticky and some are really slick and tend to plant a heavier population. Sept 10–30 Aug 20–Sept 15 Sept 10–20 Feb 25–Mar 15 Feb 25–Mar 15 Not recommended Mar 5–20 Apr 20–May 20 May 15–June 10 May 15–July 1 May 10–June 1 Irr Nov 8, 2022 · 3. Temperature. Consideration is often given when soybean stand counts tally 70,000 ppa, he says. In southern Ohio, soybeans should be planted any time after April 15 when soil conditions are suitable. Soybean Population Charts These Soybean Population Charts provide a quick guide on how soybean population varies by row width, seeds per foot of row, and seeds per pound. To hear more about the studies as well as Nelson’s findings regarding planting dates to determine the value of late soybeans planted early, watch the video below. Such tests are done on a genetic family basis. In northern Ohio, soybean planting can Feb 15, 2024 · An important consideration in soybean seeding rate decisions is the fact that the plant density will often be considerably less than the number of seeds that went into the ground. Insect and disease prevalence may be higher in fields with heavy residue because May 1, 2017 · The 160,000 and 130,000 seeding rates produced the greatest yield. 6 million seeds per acre. Seeding rate recommendations for southern, central and northwestern Minnesota, as well as various maturity groups. Apr 28, 2024 · A planter full of 2700 seeds/pound beans will plant 10%fewer acres than the same planter full of beans that are 2970 seeds/pound. SOYBEAN POPULATION CHART – SEEDS PER FOOT OF ROW Row Width Introduction OUO6074,0000E59 –19–19JAN06–2/3 Rates and Settings Record Sheet See first column for example. Planting Date: Soybean planting date has a large effect on yield. per 140k unit or more John Deere Non-Vac (Finger Pickup Type Corn Planters) *1 *4 *5 Using Kinze Brush Meters – (2200 seeds/lb or more) Black Brush Type Page 95 Rate Charts M0258-01 Model 3500 PLANTING RATES FOR (VACUUM) SOYBEAN 120 CELL DISC 19 TOOTH CONTACT WHEEL DRIVE/23 TOOTH REVERSER DRIVEN SPROCKETS (SEE PAGE 5-1) APPROXIMATE SEEDS/ACRE FOR VARIOUS ROW WIDTHS 15" Rows 30" Rows Transmission Sprockets Recomm. Apply up to R1 growth stage. 0 bu/ac with the lower seeding rate. Put beans in the ground 2-3 weeks after the last frost date, when soil temperatures are about 60°F. Final stands greater than 100,000 plants/A most often maximize yield potential. Information and results contained here are estimates based upon plant population data collected by Pioneer Agronomy Sciences to determine economic seeding rate and plant populations. Verify your planting rate per the instructions at: “Checking Planting Rate” on page 9. Soybeans typically require between 90 and 130 GDUs to emerge, depending upon soil type. Relationship of Plant Population and Planting Date on Soybean Yield Potential. Updated April 14, 2023. 5L x 15 rib implement gauge-wheel tires on . 68/ha) savings, assuming. of row. In June, the soybeans planted in 30-inch rows looked better than the soybeans planted in 15 and 7. CONLEY, SOYBEAN AND WHEAT EXTENSION SPECIALIST, DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN (from the https://coolbean. Apr 14, 2022 · Our results suggest that for “on-time” soybean planting dates the optimal agronomic soybean seeding rate to achieve 99% yield potential ranged from 237,000 to 128,000 seeds per acre (assuming 90% germ) across environments; whereas the optimal economic soybean seeding rate ranged from 157,000 to 103,000 seeds per acre. The lack of oxygen in saturated soils and the formation of a soil crust of even modest strength can almost eliminate soybean emergence. This rate is determined based on experience, risk acceptance and Feb 13, 2024 · Protection. The optimum planting depth for soybean seeds is to . 5 Placing seed into soils with temperatures below 60°F increases seed vulnerability to disease, insect feeding, and delayed emergence. 100 × % pure seed 100 × % emergence 100 150,000/. Double talc-graphic rates with very large or very small seeds, with heavy or sticky seed treatment, or in humid planting conditions. , Union Co. Sep 28, 2023 · used herbicide in corn and soybean including: Imazethapyr (HG2), atrazine (HG5), glyphosate (HG9), lactofen (HG14), and mesotrione (HG27) at the labeled rate and 4 times the labeled rate (Table 1). Jan 24, 2019 · However, the 100,000 to 120,000 ppa range is a good overall range for which to strive. Soybean seed costs have risen to the point at which farmers don't want to plant more seeds than they need for top yields May 7, 2019 · The experts will say the earlier you plant, the better the yield, but there must be adequate ground moisture and the weather should be in a warming trend. Suggested planting dates for Kansas crops. Figure 4. 5 inch, 556,000 to 494,000 seeds/ha in 18cm rows) and still achieve maximum yields, a significant savings in seeding cost could be achieved. Pay attention to the five-day forecast prior to planting, and avoid planting when the near-term forecast calls for extreme cold and wet weather. 900 11. Pushing seeding rates too low can increase the risk of needing to replant if everything does not go exactly right. The vegetative growth – the leaves – are the plant's factory. Treatment rates were based on settings listed in the planter manual. “Based on the trial results, my recommendation is to seed between 130,000 and 160,000 seeds per acre,” Croney says. 5 inches, no more than inches in sandy soils. If you’re unsure about which soybean is right for your farm, contact your local Stine Seed Agronomist. Many factors will affect seeding rates including foreign material, seed Mar 8, 2021 · The Senior Field Services Program Manager encouraged those interested in helping to provide more data – especially on soybean seeding rates below 100,000 per acre – to reach out. € Seeding rate= Desired plant population % germ. Use a fungicide seed treatment. Thus, one way to ensure maximum profit potential is to calibrate seeding rates. This accounts for a potential yield loss of 0. Planting the right soybeans for your field is vital to maximizing the profitability of every acre on your farm. However, soybean seeding rates should be high enough to provide some degree of protection against less-than-ideal conditions at emergence. With some trial Most soybean plants have either gray, tawny or light tawny colored pubescence. Research findings on Minnesota soybean seeding rates. If you want an even stand, stay between 2 to 2. GUIDE TO ACCURATE SOYBEAN PLANTING SMALL TO NORMAL SEED SIZE LARGE SEED SIZE 2500 seeds per pound or greater; 56 lbs. and in 2020 Apr 1, 2016 · If you are interested in conducting one or more soybean planting rate trials on your farm in 2016, please contact me by phone at 269-673-0370 ext. 2562 or by email at staton@msu. You will learn how planting rate affects soybean yields and income on your farm and see how your final plant stands compare to your target planting rates. 7. Based on the data collected in North Carolina and across the U Soybean respond to day length (the increase of the night length) and heat units, so the actual calendar date a variety will mature is highly influenced by latitude; each 151-122B Table of Contents Main Box Rates 2019-02-28 Reading a Seed Rate Chart The rate charts are estimations of maximum seed rates. Hilum Color. These 27 states accounted for ~99% of total U. An increased seeding rate will partially compensate for the decrease in grain yield and the reduction in tillering. 00 x 24 rib implem ent tires. Optimal density (50% interquantile) ranged between 109,000 - 144,000 plants per acre for the low, from 77,000 to 114,000 plants per acre for the medium, and 76,000 to Apr 10, 2024 · Modern soybean varieties can tolerate lower seeding rates and still produce good yields, providing there are no other issues with stand loss or stress. 5% per day). 6 x Desired Plant Stand (Plants/FT 2) x TSW (grams) / Estimated Survivability All seeding rates within this chart are displayed as lbs/acre. These conditions optimize photosynthesis and nutrient uptake, critical for healthy Apr 26, 2023 · Some double-crop soybeans planted around June 20 have yielded 70 bushels per acre. With a seeding rate of 130,000- to 160,000-seeds per acre, you are going to John Deere 7200/1700 (Finger Original) Planter Rate Chart - Precision Planting vSet Meter 80 Hole Soybean Disk Driver Driven 15” 20” 22” 30” 36” 38” High Range Input Sprocket 35 24 748,920 561,690 510,627 374,460 312,050 295,626 35 25 718,973 539,230 490,209 359,487 299,572 283,805 35 26 691,320 518,490 471,355 345,660 288,050 272,889 (not farmer treated seed), apply these talc-graphic rates. Soybeans can be identified by the various hilum colors they express. Pounds of Seed per Acre Tye Drill Grain Box Seed Chart The rates below are for drill sprocket ratio of 1:1. soybean cultivated area (2007–2016 average). They can be used to confirm planter accuracy during planting, or to evaluate crop stand after emergence. 3 7 580 350 11,4 160 5. First calculation: 0. Biomass production (in lb/ac) of cover crops broadcast interseeded into soybean in September. Weather and soil conditions. However, heavy rainfall right after planting reduced final stand counts — an average of 73,000 plants per acre — on a field with a seeding rate of 142,000. Calculate the % emergence if the % germination is 96%, percent pure seed is 99%, the seeding rate was 150,000 seed/acre, and measured population was 125,000 plants (at V2)/acre. Like corn, soybeans are typically planted into soils well below their optimum temperature for germination, making early growth conditions are inherently stressful. and warming to ensure adequate soil temps is ideal. 5 days ago · Recommended soybean seeding rates in Minnesota. 3 bu/ac and a savings of $12. 8 bu/ac compared to 56. In southern Delaware two studies (2022 and 2023) observed no yield difference when planting full season beans (MG 4. Set initial meter pressurization per page 7, 8. “I’ve looked at the minimum yields, maximum yields and average yields, and the input costs from the trials. These treatments were May 9, 2024 · The ideal planting window is after the last spring frost when soil temperatures consistently exceed 60°F (16°C). Soybeans naturally undergo some amount of plant attrition during the growing season. The same field sites sampled in the 2013 survey were revisited in 2019 and samples were collected again and screened with the same herbicides and rates. "You really can’t plant corn too deep. 86/acre on seed (assuming seed cost $60/140,000 seeds). 75 per acre ($16. Planting soybean seed to fill in the stand is not recommended. Historically soybeans were often seeded at rates well over 200,000 seeds/acre. Be sure there is no longer a risk of late freeze or frost by the time of the crop's emergence seven to 10 days after Problem 13. Farmers who understand how a soybean plant grows and develops can establish their field practices to maximize the genetic potential of the varieties grown. Stand counts can help farmers make those hard-to-make replant decisions. Management practices that may influence crop growth include seedbed preparation, variety selection, planting rate, planting depth, row width, pest management (diseases, insects and weeds Feb 23, 2024 · call (252) 633-1477. Choose soybean varieties with high scores for early season vigor or Nov 22, 2017 · Wiebold: Soybean yield is a product of the number of days of seed fill and the rate of fill. 1 Warm soil temperatures result in faster emergence and prevent the risk of chilling injury during imbibition. 4. We have data from 2019 and 2020 from 8 North Carolina locations that include in 2019 Currituck Co. Jun 4, 2015 · I lean towards planting around 150 to 180 thousand seed per acre (to give 120 to 140 thousand plants per acre). The chart above is necessary, and also the way to check, is to do a test in the yard on your driveway, just drive and keep it low enough to start the planter so you can count seeds. Plant seeds at a depth of 1-2 inches. By Meghan Vick May 7, 2013. 300 4,250 550 19. Seeding Rate (lbs/acre)= 9. Assuming a 90% germination rate and 10% plant attrition during the season, early season stand loss likely reduced final stand in this field to just above 100,000 plants/acre. Apr 21, 2022 · Furthermore, increasing soybean seeding rates as planting is delayed into mid-June can help mitigate losses of yield and net returns associated with delayed planting. Updated may 5, 2023. Charts are in alphabetical order by common North American seed name. Apply soil residual herbicide*. Seeding rate will be approximately 50% of chart reading when using Half Rate (2 To 1) Drive Reduction Apr 18, 2019 · Based on our data, consider seeding 120,000 seeds/acre and aim for a final plant stand of 100,000 plants/acre. At the R3 and R4 growth stages Jan 15, 2019 · For soybeans both agronomic and economic seed rates need to be considered. Table 5. Planting rates selected were 162,000, 180,000, and 220,000 seeds per acre using a Kinze 3600 no-till planter. With early plantings, slightly shallower seed placement will speed emergence, and with late plantings in dry soil, slightly deeper placement may be necessary to put the seed in contact with moisture. 200 5. 80 x 0. Soybean seed can germinate at a soil temperature of 54°F; however, 60°F is optimal. Second calculation: 120,000 (desired plant population) 0. Feb 17, 2023 · Iowa State University recommends a soybean seeding rate of 125,000 to 140,000 seeds per acre as a baseline. Mar 29, 2021 · Take-home messages from the trials. S. 2 The optimum soil temperature for soybean germination is 77° F, but often this temperature is not met until after the ideal early planting window for Mar 18, 2024 · Field research has been conducted the past several years across the state to understand how soybean seeding rate impacts soybean yield across diverse production practices. planting 15" row soybeans or other crops. Checking the sample chart below for a population of 23,570, select transmission sprockets 23 drive and 26 driven. How row spacing and other factors affect seeding Soybean stand loss was around 10%. This range is consistent with most universities across the Corn Belt, plus or minus about 15,000 seeds per acre to reach the agronomic optimal plant population density. Increasing seeding rates will facilitate faster row closing, higher May 18, 2017 · Boards. Low seeding rate for rye Jul 15, 2021 · The effect of seeding rate on soybean yield was variable across planting dates, maturity groups, and yield environments. PopulationRow width (inches)307Percent of expected yield120,000100100110,0009998100,000989690,000979480,000959270,000928960,000878550,000817940,000737130,000605820,0004643Expected revenue of the sparse standThe decision to replant will be based on what 2023 Budgets For All Regions: This publication presents crop budgets for three regions in Illinois: northern, central, and southern Illinois. Soybeans grow best when daytime temperatures are between 70°F and 95°F (21°C to 35°C), with night temperatures not dropping below 55°F (13°C). Apr 30, 2020 · Weather and Environmental Conditions. Row Width. These charts list the proper drive type and seed-rate-handle set-tings for various seeds and seeding rates. Soybean plants can germinate when the soil temperature at a 2-inch depth is 50° F, but cooler temperatures can slow germination up to 3 weeks. Figure 2. Recommended seeding rates vary considerably, but are often around 25% higher than the target plant population. Zone 1. Sprockets with planter are numbered for half the teeth like what a 20-40 chain would be, chart on planter box is same, half numbers for 20-40 chain. Apr 3, 2020 · SHAWN P. 2024 Soybean Planted Area (000) Acres and Percent Change from Previous Year March 28, 2024. The 1,323 location × year yield data were aligned with 1-K-resolution daily weather data. We have been evaluating soybean seeding rates of 75,000 seeds/A, 100,000 seeds/A, 125,000 seeds/A, 150,000 seeds/A, and 175,000 seeds/A using soybean maturity groups II-IV Rate Charts by Transmission. Soybean yield of twelve replant scenarios across three planting dates. These results agree with the recommendation of planting soybeans at a rate that results in a final population that is greater than 100,000 plants per acre. Found a big problem Monday, with the 240 hole drum fold out chart in my 900 manual. Dropping your seeding rate from 150,000 seeds/acre to 120,000 seeds/acre could save $10. Do this up to a maximum rate of 1. for two consecutive days). The 30-inch plot pictured below yielded 59 bu/acre while the 15 and 7. However, soybean seeding rates should be high enough to provide some degree of Why Soybean Planting Date Matters The yield potential of any soybean production sys-tem can be enhanced by planting as early as possible. The agronomic seeding rate; be it 120,000, 140,000 or 160,000 is selected based on the soil conditions, environment, historical stand establishment, management level, weed control and disease management. The Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee provided funds that helped make this study possible. 72 or 72% of all seed planted will emerge. Cover crops were either cereal rye (blue bar) or hairy vetch (orange bar), broadcast at three seeding rates. (No plantback restriction for Enlist E3®soybeans) Apply Enlist®herbicides. Add compost to the intended planting area and direct sow the seeds. 2, late May planting date) when planted between 60,000 to 180,000 seeds per Planting Depth. A higher population density is needed as soybean planting is delayed into mid-June. 5 inches or less, you’re going to fight topsoil variability and temperature. This reduced seeding rate would represent an approximate $6. edu. Make sure you use varieties that reduce weather risk. You need a seed chart, for 150,000 on 30" rows, you want 8. Mar 3, 2021 · The Soybean Extension Program started this research in 2019 investigating the impact of soybean planting date on soybean yield and quality and will continue to do so for several years. This will increase the number of soybean nodes per plant and thus yields. from 225,000 to 200, 000 seeds/acre in 7. , and Yadkin Co. Increase planting population around 10% the first week in June, and add an additional 10% for each week after. May 6, 2015 · The cups will plant soybeans and yes it is a controlled spill. This is why a population increase for drilled beans is often recommended. 25 to 1 bushel/acre/day depending on row width, date of planting, and variety. And I don’t recommend “cheating” on planting depth even on your higher-yielding NOTE: Half Rate (2 to 1) Drive Reduction Package may be required to obtain desired population and seed spacing when . All charts are printable PDFs. zx yq za jt qr gi hb zh el pl